Hedge Fund Trading Systems MASTERCLASS

New, Advanced Fundamental Data Testing & Trading System Development

Joe Marwood — an independent trader and investor with 14+ years of experience in financial market analysis — shows you how to…

by incorporating fundamental data
into your strategies!

Blending the strengths of technical and fundamental analysis — the best of both worlds — can help you make much better returns as an investor or trader.

That’s because adding fundamental data filters to a price-based system leads to at least a 2x increase in system effectiveness.

In my new course, I will show you the unique method for incorporating large volumes of fundamental data into your strategies. You will be able to find untapped profitable trading edges and multiply your returns fivefold while the crisis is hitting Europe.

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Hello, this is Pawel Zakrzewski.

Every time there’s a significant change in the economy, it creates huge opportunities for traders and investors.

The year 2022 is already full of economic changes, and that’s because of the Russia-Ukraine war.

War is the most catastrophic form of change. It alters all major economic relationships, creating even more significant opportunities for traders and investors than the pandemic of 2020.

And because of the crisis hitting Europe right before our very eyes as a result of the Russia-Ukraine war, vast sums of flight capital will flood from the West into the U.S., driving the U.S. stocks higher than ever.

There’s no other way around. While European stocks collapse, trillions of euros in flight capital will come flooding into the United States — the world’s last safe haven — driving the stock market sky-high.

Those who are unprepared will miss the boat.

But for those in the know — who see this Europe crisis coming — it’s an ocean full of fish for traders and investors.

All you need to know is how to blend technical and fundamental analysis strengths and create profitable trading edges.

Now, with my new Hedge Fund Trading Systems Masterclass, you can take advantage of the opportunities that emerged.

Every day the news coming out of Europe confirms that now are good times for traders and investors. It’s up to you whether you capitalize on it or not.

Join me in my new course — Hedge Fund Trading Systems Masterclass — and I’ll show you everything I know about profitable trading system design that will help you 2x your trading system returns immediately.

In addition, over my 14+ years of experience as a trader and investor, I have created hundreds of trading systems and strategies. This Masterclass will show you THE 5 systems I use most often because of their effectiveness.

Following is an example of one of our trading strategies that was published in 2020.

Full rules, results and source code are included in the course.


This course offers a practical approach to building profitable trading systems.

We are not academics. We are not programmers.

We are traders... and proud of it!

Your Instructor

Joe Marwood
Joe Marwood

Joe Marwood is an independent trader and investor specialising in financial market analysis and trading systems. He worked as a professional futures trader for a trading firm in London and has a passion for building mechanical trading strategies. He has been in the market since 2008 and working with Amibroker since 2011.

Course Curriculum

  Technology Choices
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and is renewed every year until you cancel it yourself! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have One Year access to this course and you can study as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
Is this course included in All Access Area?
The answer is NO. This is a Flagship entirely new approach course summarising Joe Marwood 14-year experience on the market and incorporating entirely NEW Fundamental Data testing, that is a game changer. However we plan new courses included in All Access Area in the future.

Get started now!